A manager for game achievements in Steam.
You can use this to unlock in game achievements in Steam to level up in game.
1. Download the file and put it in a folder.
2. Open Steam.
3. Open sam part picker and select a game you want to max out.
4. Press the unlock button. (Looks like a lock)
5. Press commit changes.
6. Your done keep doing this for as many games as you want.
Video to help:
Virus Total:
Cracking tools are frequently detected as dangerous or malware by antivirus softwares, you may need to disable your antivirus or add an exception to use these tools. Use it at your own risk!
You can use this to unlock in game achievements in Steam to level up in game.
1. Download the file and put it in a folder.
2. Open Steam.
3. Open sam part picker and select a game you want to max out.
4. Press the unlock button. (Looks like a lock)
5. Press commit changes.
6. Your done keep doing this for as many games as you want.
Video to help:
IMG_1416.MOV - AnonFiles
Virus Total:
Cracking tools are frequently detected as dangerous or malware by antivirus softwares, you may need to disable your antivirus or add an exception to use these tools. Use it at your own risk!